Sep 28, 2012

On the shade of the Sukkah

It says in the Talmud (Succah 2a), "The sukkah should be for a shade for the day (yomam)."  Why the use of yomam,  why doesn't the usual form yom (day)  suffice? Because this shade of the physical  sukkah is for the shade of the day - yomam.  The word yomam connotes an overpowering beaming of the light of the Sun, when the day is characterized by excessive emanating heat from it.  That's why the day is described by the word yomam with a double mem,  with the corresponding shade of the sukkah  to conceal the light of the day. This relates to the supernal sukkah above as a reminder of the awesome chasm with which G-d distanced Himself from us on Rosh Hashonah. 

SukkahEverything in comparison to G-d lacks perfection,  even Moshe was considered a sinner. Yet this chasm is followed by the sweetening of the severities which is in turn followed by G-d's closeness to us. This is called yomam, characterized by the intense shining of the Supernal Kindness which is equated with the Great Love higher than Chochmah. And this cannot be grasped by the heart or brain.

That is why a sukkah is needed so that its shade can filter this great light of the Great Love and prevent the Jew from being nullified out of existence  - just like every great Supernal light is impossible to reveal to the receiver without a separating screen, otherwise the recipient would be subsumed within it.

From the Mitteler Rebbe: On the shade of the Sukkah

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